Tuesday 3 April 2012

Boxing Clever - Part 2

And so to the construction work!

The Blueprints.

Ready to start - I cut the remaining MDF into the relevant pieces.

Next job was to make the top and bottom structures and line with pine brackets.

Then the sides were added.

I miscalculated one of my cuts trying to rush the job as I had to go to a friends house that evening which meant I had to creatively use the remaining MDF off cuts to recreate the back.
Once I had stopped kicking myself - top tip don't try and do this on a deadline unless you are a carpenter!

Support was then added for the vertical plain.
The finished Degu enclosure that will go on top will stand 1.6m x 0.95m x 0.55m so this is going to be no lightweight thing!

Adding the top.

To make it a little more living room friendly I decided to paint it the same colour as the lounge but first I needed to fill the gaps.

Then prime it.

Colour it.

And finally, probably a redundant feature but for the original coffee table we bought some non slip material. I dug this back out and nailed it to the top which will stop the cage and later the box slipping.

When the whole project is finished I will add doors to the front but as you can see now it gives us the perfect storage space for their food, carry cage, large sandbath and other assorted toys.
I should point out at this stage since spending time on Degu World we have stopped using the ball as entertainment and would rather play with them in or out of the cage... but we like hoarding stuff clearly.

As you can see this new set up allows the Goos to lord it over the room again and is a much better height for us to interact with them.

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